If you own a RepRap Industrial, this is big news for you: We just released an upgrade to bring all software components on your 3D printer up to the latest versions currently deployed in our series production. This upgrade is available for all hardware revisions, back to the very first machine that left our factory more than one and a half years ago.
We are rapidly iterating in our hardware design and constantly enhance software and firmware components along the way, so there’s quite some new features to get excited about if you are operating a RepRap Industrial a while already. Customers with a hardware revision 1.0.0 machine on their desks now get the new chamber/bed temperature profile configuration, extruder and bed preheating status indication (that you are now able to abort or pause easily!) and an always visible and up-to-date temperature status line on the touchscreen interface.
More recent developments include a number of bugfixes and useful improvements which all hardware revisions benefit from. Among these is a revised pause print handling and a fixed recovery from emergency stop.
Head over to our documentation repository at docs.kuehlingkuehling.de to find a comprehensive
Software & Firmware Upgrade Guide.
If you shy away from performing the update on your own responsibility, don’t hesitate to request a quote for a pick-up and return upgrade service!